Personal Data
The right of Filming and Photography
MultisportsCyprus, reserves every right to use, display and exploit in any kind of audiovisual material the name and image of the participants and the team they represent in any printed and photographic material, as well as in all Mass Media, including the Internet both in Cyprus and abroad for the purposes of promoting the events and activities of MultisportsCyprus.
Any photography or video recording of the participants, the matches or the venue where the event is held is expressly prohibited, as well as the use of the facilities as well as the space outside and around the facilities during the event by third natural or legal persons other than those authorized by the organizers, for the purpose of financial exploitation or the promotion and/or advertising of either the event or any other sporting or business activity without the prior approval of the organizers and always respecting the protection of personal data and the image of minor football players.
We also clarify that we bear no responsibility in relation to the personal use of photos and/or videos taken, as well as that the organization cannot control the use of a camera to take pictures and videos of children by relatives, friends or other spectators and possible viewing and posting them in mass media and social media.
We also point out that as organizers we take all measures to ensure the correct use of the image and name of the children and that any official audio-visual material is used exclusively for the purposes of promoting the events and activities and also for the purposes of promoting sports in general and of the commendable and noble sporting effort and honorable participation of the children as they are intended by the organization itself. If you realize that the above use is not appropriate then you must inform us immediately.
All participants including minors and their parents or legal guardians, need to know that with participation and or attendance in our events and activities, they enter an area where photography, audio, and video recording may occur. By registering and accepting your participation and by entering the event areas, you consent to such recording media and its release, publication, exhibition or reproduction.
Therefore, by declaring and accepting the participation of yourself and your children in our events and activities with their teams, you automatically accept the above-mentioned conditions which you have every right not to accept and/or withdraw your consent in relation to right to use and display your minor children's name and image by notifying us in writing, but without affecting the legality of any publication or display by us prior to the withdrawal of consent.
Please note that, in accordance with the general personal data protection regulation 2016/679 and the law N.125(I)2018, from the moment the child-football player is 14 years old or older, he is able to give the his legal consent in relation to the above.
For full details on legislation regarding personal data protection and the right to use and exploit the image of all those who participate and attend our event, as well as for the relative withdrawal of parental consent, please contact our organization in writing before the start of the event.