Affiliation Project Details
MultiSports Cyprus in partnership with official association Cyprus Clubs presents our International Affiliates Project.
This is one of the most innovative projects ever developed in Cyprus as part of our International Strategy aiming to promote local club’s names and brand and also expand the connectivity and relations of the Cyprus professional club youth academies and grassroots departments on international level.
Through the project we aim to:
Connect, support and develop youth soccer amongst different nationalities, colors and religions, and at the same time widen and upgrade local clubs scouting network and their talent identification and player development processes.
We also want to offer international academies and their coaching staff and players the chance to live and experience the Cyprus way of football, meet the beautiful island of Cyprus, our tradition & culture.
The project supports & welcomes girls clubs and academies affiliations in the same way it does for boys.
Girls’ & Women's Football in Cyprus is fast growing and is strategically supported by the official Cyprus Football Association as well as most of the Cyprus professional clubs.
The National Association successfully runs Women's as well as Girls’ Youth National Teams and some of our Women's Professional Clubs manage to qualify & participate every year in the Group Stages of the UEFA Champions League competition.
The project entitles our affiliated partners to use our project logo and name in many different events and activities organized either at the affiliated party home facilities or at the available facilities of local clubs in Cyprus.
All events & activities under the project name will require firstly the approval of the local club and then, the supervision, assistance and guidance from official technical & coaching staff of the local club and the people involved in the running of the project.
Depending on the level of affiliation (i.e. years period & areas) an annual fee will be required to be paid by affiliated member clubs or academies plus when needed, all travel/transport and full board accommodation expenses of our required staff will need to be covered in full.
Separate participation fee per different activity or event may imply at different occasions on pre-agreed basis by the involved parties.
Required communication, activities organization and all other arrangements including travel & accommodation in Cyprus, will be undertaken by Multisports Cyprus as the official partner and licensed intermediary having the rights to communicate with our affiliates and run the actual project.
The project in general will support with technical know how plus providing when required coaching and administrative staff for Events & Activities on pre agreed dates during the calendar year which could include any of the following activities always depending on the extend of affiliation and also depending when and where these events & activities can be applicable:
- Summer leisure & training camps.
- Experience Training Camps for Grassroots Age Groups.
- Advanced Training Camps for Academy Level Youth Age Groups.
- Trial and Talent Identification Camps.
- Friendly games tours with in local club's official academy center.
- Monitoring programs for highly evaluated Players.
- Train like a Pro Individual player tour in Cyprus.
- Team & Individual Players Training Exchange & Hospitality Programs.
- Coaching Seminars / Sports Educational Lectures or Presentations.
- (Stadium tours) Educational Tours & Spectating local clubs Official Cyprus League & UEFA games where applicable.
- Creation of Elite Players Teams amongst affiliated clubs & academies.
- Annual Year Ending Official Affiliates International Academy Tournament.
Our affiliation project can provide any customized soccer tour in Cyprus based on your academy's needs and requirements and combining fun, leisure and holidaying with your favorite sport of football. Experience a week of professional training within the central academy of the local club in CYPRUS under the supervision of UEFA licensed professional coaches of the local club in CYPRUS.
Participation Package
- The participation package is available for age groups or individual players (BOYS OR GIRLS) aged from 8 to 17 years of age and includes the following.
- Accommodation arrangements.
- Transportation from and to the airport and football activities.
- Training Sessions and friendly games under the supervision of the hosting club.
- Participation certificate / Assessment & Evaluation reports.
- A day of sightseeing (optional).
- Watching official CYPRUS league game of the hosting clubs if available.
- 24 hours assistance and guidance by MultiSports Cyprus.
- Local club Training Kit.
Itinerary Sample
- First Day arrival / Check in / Meeting / Afternoon Training session depending on time of arrival.
- Second day / Morning or Afternoon Training / Nearby sightseeing.
- Third day friendly game / Fun & Leisure activity / visit to Cultural Monument.
- Fourth day training session / watching of official Cyprus league game.
- Fifth day friendly game / Sightseeing / Shopping Mall visit.
- Sixth day delivery of Participation Certificates / evaluation and assessment reports.
- Seventh day departure.
The above schedule of events is just an example and it can be customized upon wish and availability of space, time and personnel of the local club.
An affiliation contract will need to be signed by the affiliated parties in the way that it will secure the correct use of the affiliation brand logo and name and avoid any misuse of the name and image of local clubs and their staff. Any misbehavior, and or act against sportsmanship, respect and fair play will immediately give the right to local clubs to terminate any affiliation contracts.
Foreign teams and Individual Athletes cannot participate in any of our affiliation project events and activities unless they are contracted with our affiliation project and cannot take part outside our participation and accommodation packages unless they come through any of our official and authorized under contract agreement agent representatives.
In case you come from a country where we already have an agent representative you will be diverted to contact their office.
This is part of our measures to protect our team clients and our events organization in general and as organizers we retain the right to refuse or reject any participation that does not meet the above requirements.
Further, the affiliation contracts will ensure that all events and activities will safeguard the security and health of the participating athletes and take place in a safe and friendly environment and facilities.
All use of personal data, filming and photography should also take into consideration the law of personal date use (GDPR).
Join now our international affiliates Project!
Connecting, Supporting & Developing Youth of All Colors & Religions
Contact Details
Contact us for any further inquiries or for applying to join our International Affiliates Project.
Yours in sport,
Christos Constantinou
Tel.: 00357 99596166
Fax.: 00357 23744709
Email: cyprusservices@cytanet.com.cy
Web: www.multisportscy.com